What to do When You
Literally Can't do Anything

author/ amanda/ august 10, 2023

Take Your Vitamins/ Medication

Take Your Vitamins/ Medication

Massage/ Gua Sha

Massage/ Gua Sha

Do a Face Mask

Do a Face Mask

Use a Humidifier/ Aromatherapy

Use a Humidifier/ Aromatherapy

Apply Lip Balm

Apply Lip Balm

Snuggle Your Pet

Snuggle Your Pet

      If you struggle with the guilt and shame of literally not being able to do anything while simultaneously wishing you would be able to get motivated, this article is for you! First of all, you are NOT alone. Many girlies with AuDHD suffer from this exact feeling. You may feel like you are trapped in your own body and being held hostage. Laying in bed and desperately wanting to get up and do something, anything, but not being able to is a feeling that can be difficult for neurotypical individuals to understand. Many girls and women with AuDHD feel as though something is wrong with them. They may even feel a sense of paralysis, burnout, depression, and stress. To others on the outside, it may look as though you are simply relaxing and resting. This is absolutely not the case which can make it difficult for neurotypicals to understand as they can’t comprehend the unique feeling you are going through. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to relax and rest when feeling like this, almost as if you’re akin to a sleeping volcano, bubbling beneath the surface. Your internal world is spiraling, your brain is over thinking, and your anxiety is rising. It’s like torture laying there as your anxiety builds over unfinished tasks you wish you could just finish, but it is never that easy. Your basic needs may also be going unmet during this time as even showering or brushing your teeth feels like climbing Mount St. Helens. Please be gentle with yourself during this time and speak kindly to yourself and your body. If necessary, please contact your doctor at your earliest convenience to discuss any treatment options that might be available to help you. I know this is easier said than done, but try your best to show up for yourself. I know your future self will appreciate all of your strength and hard work. 



      If you find yourself stuck and unable to do anything at all, here is a list of some things you can attempt to tackle that may slowly be able to move you out of this state of being and even bring you some hope in the process:

If you are lacking in motivation, a face mask may help you to feel more invigorated. You can do a nourishing face mask while still laying in bed. That way, your paralysis, burnout, anxiety, depression, or stress can “look” a little bit more like self-care. Put on a face mask, close your eyes, and know that your skin is getting the added hydration and nutrients it needs to glow.

Much like the above tip, if you have other forms of skin-care that you prefer such as a portable facial steamer, toners, ampules, serums, and moisturizers, feel free to use those as you lay in bed. This will at least give your face a fresh start.

For a really relaxing experience, you can give yourself a facial/neck massage, with your hands and/or a gua sha. Please remember if you are doing a facial massage, you need to have clean hands and “slip” on your skin so that your fingers and/or tools are gliding, not pulling. This might be a facial oil, or moisturizer. Focus on points of stress and where you are tense. You may also be interested in a buccal massage. If so, please have clean hands before proceeding.

Without realizing it, you may be holding a lot of tension in your body that you have to consciously release. You may be clenching your jaw, tightening your shoulders and neck, or even holding your breath. These actions are often regular and subconscious and can be difficult to stop doing. At this time, make a conscious effort to release any tensions in your body.

If you are interested, you can also listen to one of your favorite podcasts, or a podcast you have been wanting to listen to, but haven’t got around to yet. This is great for keeping your mind busy in a more productive way rather than overthinking and spiraling. Enjoy your true crime, girlie.

There are also a variety of interesting auditory guided meditations online you can peruse. There are wonderful meditations on clearing the mind, finding peace, inviting in positive energy, mindfulness, and so much more. Try to find someone whose voice and pacing you enjoy. Warning, this may make you fall asleep.

If you are an avid reader who is so stuck that you can’t pick up a book to read for enjoyment, this may be a good option for you. Much like listening to podcasts, you can listen to an audiobook of your favorite book or a book on your to-be-read list that you have yet to get around to. This will help to keep your mind engaged.

Let’s be honest, when was the last time you drank water, girlie? Now is probably the time.

If your body is going through an update and reset, it might be a good idea for your phone to do the same. If it’s been a while since you updated your device, it might be a great time to do so while you yourself are trying to fill your battery.

Did you take your vitamins and/or medicine? Did you really?

If you haven’t had food in a while, your body may be starving for nutrients and feeling weak. Please nourish your body so that it can have the energy to help you through this stressful time. If you are particularly sensitive during this time, eat some of your safe foods. Even if you eat it in bed, no one will have to know!

You can also listen to calming music, background sounds, or ambient noise. This also pairs nicely with any of the self-care options from above! Those spa vibes may do wonders for your body, mind, and soul. If you’d prefer, you can also listen to your favorite music or a special playlist for occasions such as this.

Turning on a humidifier and/or essential oil diffuser may help to prevent your skin from drying out and stimulate your senses. This way, you can feel a bit more pampered during a frustrating time. Also, if you have a Himalayan salt lamp or LED fairy lights, now might be a great time to turn those babies on so they can put in the work and heal your energy. 

Have you been in your old pajamas all night and day? Are you being an absolute goblin right now? Do you have rat girl energy? It might be time to put a clean pair of pajamas on. Sometimes just switching into a clean pair of clothes can help you to feel better about yourself, even if you get right back in bed.

You for sure don’t want crusty dusty lips. Leave your favorite tube of lip balm on your nightstand (next to your glass of water or carafe) and keep it there. That way, it’s always within reach when you need a little pick-me-up.

If you’ve been laying for a long time and are noticing your hair is becoming a bit matted in the back, before it gets any worse, brush through it as best as you are able. This way, you can distribute the natural oils on your scalp throughout your strands, contributing to the overall health of your hair. If you want to go the extra mile, try braiding your hair if you are capable. This will help prevent your hair from getting matted as easily and will keep your hair out of your face.

If you think it’s been quite some time since you’ve brushed your teeth, try swishing with mouthwash. The health of your teeth is very important, but you shouldn’t feel ashamed for not being able to keep up with your basic needs. Swish with mouthwash in order to have a fresher feeling fast and some peace of mind.

This is self explanatory!

People underestimate how much fresh air can do for the body, mind, and soul. If you have been cooped up in your room for quite some time, try opening a window and getting fresh air moving. It may also benefit you to turn on a fan. Opening a window can help to clear out some of the stagnant energy that has built up inside of your room. Use a fan to blow it all away. Breathe in that sweet, sweet air, girlie pop.

      Please don’t look down on yourself or feel ashamed for having moments like this. Again, you are not alone, but you definitely don’t deserve to suffer. You deserve to feel good in your body, motivated to do what you want, and capable of anything. Value yourself. Support yourself. Because if anyone is going to show up for you, it’s YOU. <3

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