‘Third Places’ and Their Value

author/ amanda/ september 02, 2023

Farmer's Markets

Farmer's Markets

Mini Golf Courses

Mini Golf Courses



Music Festivals

Music Festivals

What are 'Third Places?'

      ‘Third places,’ also called ‘third spaces,’ are social environments that are neither home (first place) nor school/work (second place). These spaces provide a variety of benefits that contribute to individuals’ well-being, sense of community, and overall quality of life. Let’s take a look at some important aspects of third places and the value they can add to AuDHD life:

What do 'Third Places' Provide?

1. Social Interaction and Community Building

      Third places offer opportunities for people to gather, interact, and socialize with others outside of their immediate family and work circles. This creates a sense of belonging, social connection, and community. Regular interactions in third places can lead to friendships, support networks, and a feeling of being part of something larger. This is especially important for girls and women with AuDHD. It can be hard to feel like you belong and connecting with others past a superficial level can seem impossible. By organically engaging with others in a social environment you have mutual interest in, it may be easier to make connections beyond your family and work circles.

2. Diverse and Inclusive Atmosphere

      Third places often attract people from different backgrounds, interests, and demographics. This diversity contributes to a rich and inclusive atmosphere where individuals can learn from one another, share experiences, and broaden their perspectives. This inclusivity helps counter feelings of isolation and encourages understanding among various groups. This can be particularly beneficial for AuDHD girlies who may feel ‘othered’ or like an outsider in other social environments. Due to the general openness of third places, girls and women with AuDHD may feel more comfortable expressing themselves and their true nature. Considering third places attract such a wide variety of individuals, AuDHD girlies may feel more comfortable being themselves surrounded by others who are also living in their authenticity.

3. Relaxation and Leisure

      Third places offer a relaxed and informal setting where people can unwind, de-stress, and engage in leisure activities. Whether it’s a local café, park, library, or community center, these spaces provide an escape from the pressures of work and the responsibilities of home. They offer a comfortable environment where individuals can engage in hobbies, read, socialize, or simply enjoy a moment of solitude. Third places lack demands and responsibilities. They are places where AuDHD girls and women can engage in activities with people who enjoy those very same activities. School, work, and home may not allow you to partake in the particular forms of leisure that are offered by third places.

4. Civic Engagement and Exchange of Ideas

      They can serve as platforms for civic engagement and the exchange of ideas. Discussions, protests, meetings, and events held in these spaces can promote community involvement, activism, and the sharing of diverse perspectives. They can become hubs for cultural events, workshops, and forums that contribute to personal growth and community development. If you are an AuDHD girlie who wants to make a difference in your community, third places are great for this. Getting involved with others who hold the same ideals as you may help create change and movement in your area. Also, you can help make change as a group rather than standing out on your own which can be intimidating.

5. Reduced Loneliness and Isolation

      For AuDHD girls and women who might otherwise feel isolated or lonely, third places provide an opportunity to regularly connect with others. This type of social interaction can combat feelings of loneliness and improve your mental well-being. Simply being around people and engaging in casual conversations can have a positive impact on your emotional health. If you are the kind of girlie who either stays home or goes directly from home to work and back, third places might be a positive option for you. Getting to connect with others with similar interests to yours can be a great way to branch out and meet new people in a safe environment. If you are the type that struggles to leave your house, having a regular and routine third place you can go to may help create a healthier structure in your life.

6. Enhanced Creativity and Productivity

      Third places offer a change of scenery from home and work environments. This change can stimulate creativity and productivity. People often find that being in a different setting can help them think more creatively, brainstorm new ideas, or approach challenges from a fresh perspective. If you’re an AuDHD girl or woman who gets extreme anxiety from new environments, but wants to find a way to get out and get involved, a third place may be just what you need! If you find that you are understimulated at home and are lacking a creative outlet, you may be able to get those creative juices flowing at a third place. Consider attending a third place you are interested in with a trusted friend or family member so that you can become comfortable and feel safe within the new environment. As you go more consistently, your comfort levels and independence will increase. Also, gaining fresh perspectives from those around you can help you see the world in unique ways apart from your usual. Third places are also great for developing new skills in a safe environment with like-minded individuals. You can experience new things you’ve always wanted to try like pottery turning, improv, or slam poetry, but never had the materials or space to do so.

7. Local Economy and Vibrancy

      Third places contribute to the local economy by attracting people to local businesses and establishments. Cafés, restaurants, bookstores, and other local businesses benefit from increased foot traffic and patronage. This, in turn, supports the local community’s vibrancy and economic growth. Whether you’re an AuDHD girlie or not, your local community can benefit from your involvement, monetary or otherwise. You can help your community to become a safer and more inclusive space by getting out and making your presence known. The more that people get out and support their local public spaces and businesses, the better! Just by getting out into your community, you can help make it a more inviting and safe place for other girls and women.

two women at a pet cafe

Pet Cafes

woman relaxing at a korean spa

Korean Spas

woman selling at farmer's market

Farmer's Markets

girl looking through record albums

Record Shops

Examples of 'Third Places' Include:

  • Roller rinks/ Ice rinks
  • Cafes/ Internet cafes/ Cat cafes/ Board game cafes
  • Public libraries
  • Playgrounds/ Parks/ Gardens
  • Mini golf courses
  • Collaborative creative spaces
  • Hair salons/ Barber shops/ Nail salons
  • Afternoon tea houses
  • Community theater groups
  • Farmer's/Thrift markets
  • Sports clubs/ Gyms/ Facilities
  • Music festivals/ Renaissance faires
  • Korean spas/ Bath houses
  • Art workshops
  • Museums
  • Arcades/ Pinball/ Vintage arcades
  • Record shops/ Bookstores
  • Outdoor theaters/ Movies

      Third places are the heart of the community. Unfortunately, with third places lessening, this can create a whole host of issues. When people feel less connected to their area and the people within it, there may be a drop in empathy and compassion. This goes for people as well as the environment. Third places play a crucial role in promoting social cohesion, acceptance, mental well-being, and a sense of belonging in today’s fast-paced and often digitally connected world. When we lack in physical third places, there’s almost a disconnect with those around us. It creates this weird loss of compassion where you may stop seeing others as individuals and more like NPCs. It unfortunately fosters a ‘don’t care’ attitude which is a sad mindset. When people aren’t involved in their communities, they tend to lack respect and consideration for others and their space.

      For example, have you ever walked around your community, seen an abundance of litter strewn about, and said to yourself “wow, that is so disgusting, a person who litters is just deplorable.” but you never actually did anything to change the situation? Maybe you thought it was someone else’s problem? Joining a community clean-up crew/club may help you realize your responsibility for the community in which you live. You may also connect with others who have similar feelings to your own.

Lead by example and make ripples so that your community can make waves.

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