The Importance of Nature
for AuDHD Girlies

author/ amanda/ august 13, 2023

woman watering the garden

woman watering the garden

The Importance of Nature for AuDHD Girlies

The Importance of Nature for AuDHD Girlies

woman reading outside

woman reading outside

   Getting out into nature is highly beneficial for one’s mental and physical well-being. Yes, delving into nature is valuable for everyone, but it is particularly beneficial for individuals with AuDHD. Many people are so far removed from the natural world. Not only is this unhealthy for your mental and physical well-being, but with such a prolonged disconnect, you may become less empathetic towards the environment and the world in which we live. This possible loss of empathy, respect, and care of the planet only breeds apathy, neglect, and ignorance. We are of the earth, we gain energy from the earth, and we must value and respect ourselves by valuing and respecting the earth and all that she provides. 


   Now, getting out into nature does not inherently mean physical action and exercise. They pair nicely together, yes, but they are not implicitly connected. Please understand that you do not need to exert yourself in order to enjoy the outdoors. Some amazing benefits that AuDHD girlies can enjoy when getting outside are:

Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being

      Thankfully, nature tends to have a calming effect on our bodies and minds. Being in natural environments, such as forests, parks, beaches, and your own backyard can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature have a soothing and rejuvenating effect. Spending time out in nature has been scientifically linked to reduced stress, anxiety, and overall improved emotional well-being. The peacefulness, beauty, and tranquility of the natural environment can promote a sense of calm, relaxation, and even give you a more positive mood.

Sensory Engagement

      Nature provides a sensory-rich environment that can be soothing and therapeutic for AuDHD girlies. The natural sights, sounds, and textures of the outdoors can offer opportunities for sensory exploration and stimulation. This can possibly help to regulate sensory processing issues and provide a calming effect. Depending on your interests, sensory input may include the gentle breeze on your skin, grass under your fingertips, buzzing bees, gently rustling leaves, and so much more. It is up to you to engage in what you prefer and avoid bothersome stimuli. Also, nature often offers a more predictable and less overwhelming environment compared to other settings. The open/free spaces, natural light, and absence of crowds and loud stimuli can help with sensory overload and create a more comfortable and manageable experience.

Connection With the Natural World

      Getting outside also offers an amazing opportunity for AuDHD girls and women to connect with the natural world, fostering an appreciation for the environment, wildlife, and ecosystems. This kind of connection can also stimulate curiosity, encourage exploration, and promote a sense of wonder regarding the world around them. Again, this may help develop a stronger sense of empathy and understanding of all living things and the surrounding world. Grounding (also called earthing,) is a physical, spiritual, and energetic connection between your body and the earth. Not only is it a way to self-soothe, but it provides a variety of natural health benefits.

Unstructured Recreation and Self-expression

      Additionally, getting out into nature allows for unstructured recreation and self-expression, providing AuDHD girlies with the freedom to engage in activities (or non-activities) that align with their interests and preferences. The lack of rules and expectations can be freeing, allowing you to be more like yourself. You can engage as much or as little with natural elements, and express yourself creatively in a non-judgmental environment. This may include moving your body and engaging in gentle or rigorous physical activity, but it doesn’t have to!

Vitamin D and Fresh Air

      Lastly, spending time outdoors exposes us to sunlight, which helps our bodies produce Vitamin D. If you’re like me, covered in sunscreen and UV protective clothing in the PNW, you may need to take additional supplements. Please talk to your doctor about any potential Vitamin D deficiency concerns. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune function, and your overall well-being. Also, being in nature allows us to breathe that sweet, fresh air, which can be cleaner and more oxygen-rich than indoor environments. Alas, gone are the days where the girlies were prescribed a trip to the countryside or seaside where they could relax and take in the fresh, clean air as a treatment option.

purple tulips

   Below, I’ve included a list of possible outdoor activities that may be enjoyed by girls and women with AuDHD or those who are reluctant to go outside for various reasons.

  • Picnics and cookouts
  • Full moon parties
  • Hammocking
  • Cottagecore tea parties
  • Reading books
  • Napping
  • Walking, frolicking, and pretending you are in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
  • Having a safe and properly maintained bonfire
  • Outdoor movie nights
  • Watering your dehydrated and neglected plants
  • Seaglass, rock, and shell collecting (hoarding?)
  • Mudlarking
  • Picking up community litter on a walk
  • Painting/drawing/crocheting outside
  • Staring into your neighbor’s backyard to see what they’re up to
  • Standing on your porch in a muumuu
  • Bird and squirrel watching/feeding
  • And so much more!

Please get outside! Your body and mind will thank you, and I know the earth will too. <3

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